Interface Cushion GRIP

Our interface cushions are a soft foam layer placed between an orbital sanding pad and abrasive disc.

The foam layer absorbs inconsistencies in pressure and wraps around curved or contoured surfaces reducing the risk of paint burn through.

For use with fine grits.

in mm
in mm
Specification Foam Layer
in mm
Density Max RPM Reference
35 32 No Hole Micro Hook 9 Soft 13000 32595
80 75 No Hole 12 Soft 13000 32602
95 94 6 Hole 12 Soft 13000 32603
125 123 No Hole 12 Soft 13000 32605
125 123 5 Holes 12 Soft 13000 32610
125 123 9 Holes 12 Soft 13000 32612
150 148 No Hole 12 Soft 13000 32705
150 148 6 + 1 Holes 12 Soft 13000 32710
150 148 8 + 1 Holes Festo / Makita 12 Soft 13000 32720
150 148 15 Holes 12 Soft 13000 32722
150 148 21 Holes 12 Soft 13000 32725
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